Monday, August 20, 2007

Sex is prime cause of HIV

Headline from the BBC. Made me smack my forehead so hard I decided to dust off the blog for it.

Other things to blame for HIV include infected blood transfusions. Those infected blood transfusions are so mean, causing HIV like that. The media has gotten so adept at eliminating any kind of moral judgment from their stories. Now they are actually blaming the problem on the problem. So now people are not the cause of HIV, unprotected sex is the cause of HIV.

You can't place blame on inanimate objects or acts, you can only place blame on people because only people choose how to use those objects or participate in those acts!

Also, school students are shot by "shooters" instead of "killers" or "murderers" and we are fighting "extremists," not "evil".

One things is for certain, there is only one thing (or person to be exact) that can clean up this totally depraved world, and it ain't politically correct media rhetoric. Keep your band-aid, I'm going under the knife.

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